Well, technically I got a few hours of zzzz's but then I had to get up at 1:00 AM to go to the bathroom. And now, I am writing this—at 2:23 in the morning.
But that's not the only thing I'm doing. I'm also googling. What about? The Elements of Style. Grammar, usage tips. Grammar police memes. Why? Because that's what I've suddenly become —a grammar police. Look, I even have a badge to show for it.
I'm not sure I like this new fixation, but it's like an itch that needs to be scratched. I guess when you've been doing something for so long, you just can't get rid of it easily. It becomes a part of your system, like breathing.
No, I am not being self-righteous, nor am I saying that I know everything because I don't. And I have mounds of books and e-books on writing and grammar to attest to that. Strunk and White and Webster remain to be my best friends. And I am forever grateful to my English teachers in St. John's for they have instilled in me the passion for writing and a good command of the English language. Of course, I also have my editor-in-chief and managing editor in MOD to thank for my writing and editing skills and for giving me the confidence to have my byline in print.
I remember writing my first ever article. I don't remember what it was about, but I do remember Miss Chay summoning me to her office and telling me, "This piece is good. But don't you think it would look better if we do this (crossing out an entire sentence with her pencil) and write this instead (while writing over the crossed-out sentence)?" I also don't remember how many times she did that on that one article. But I most definitely remember this: the only thing I recognized in that first article I wrote was my name.
Did that stop me from writing more articles? No! In fact, I wrote an average of 5 articles a week after that. That's 260 articles in my one year stint in MOD! Roughly translated, that's why I could afford to have lunch at McDonald's every day, despite our humble basic pay! (Yes, they paid us extra for those articles.)
And that is why I cringe at every written piece that is published on the internet that has not gone through editing. I literally get chest pains reading them! What has happened to the written word?
My friend, a freelance journalist, rants about this in her Facebook status all the time. And now, I find myself doing the same thing. Well, almost... Instead of ranting, I write about it. Why? To get the pain off my chest. And hopefully, to spark some inspiration in others like us.
Alone, I can't correct the whole worldwide web. Hopefully, together with others in the GP Force, maybe—just maybe—we can make a dent.
He who ignores discipline despises himself, but whoever heeds correction gains understanding. ~Proverbs 15: 32
He who ignores discipline despises himself, but whoever heeds correction gains understanding. ~Proverbs 15: 32
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