If there was ever a more intellectual film that I saw tonight, it would be Juno. I'm sure those of you who saw the film would agree. It's about a 16-year-old girl who got pregnant and decided to put the baby up for adoption. That was basically the beginning and the ending. But the stuff in between—totally what made the difference!
But wait. You might be wondering what the subtitle up there in parenthesis means. See, prior to watching Juno, I snuck a peak at a couple of old movies which had the word “sex” in the title. Honestly, I didn't know what to expect with the 2 films. If I took the title at face value, I guess I wouldn't have placed such a premium on the movies. But I didn't. In my mind, the films would at least be artsy. But no! The title was what the movie was... exactly! It was nonsense sex from beginning to end! I was aghast! (Notice the frequency of those exclamation points?) No matter how I look at it, I just couldn't see how anyone in his or her right mind could see such films. They were absolutely tasteless! Watching them felt like watching a double program porn in Avenida!
You may ask, So, what on earth were you thinking when you decided to watch those films? To be perfectly honest, I don't know. I guess I just wasn't thinking. Shamefully, I must admit I wasted 3 hours on them.
To save my bruised conscience, I decided to go for Juno. I heard the film was great, plus the soundtrack was awesome. And then, there it was, looking me straight in the eye—sex, and what happens when we are confronted with it.
I myself was confronted with sex more than 10 years ago. I can tell you the story, but I won't. Just read my blog 100% Pure. And not intending to sound holier-than-thou, I just want to say that my views of sex today are within the bounds of scriptural wisdom, as compared to 10 years ago. So does that make me holier? Let's just say I'm working on it.
Having been sexually active once upon a time, I would be a hypocrite if I say I don't think about it anymore. And having watched these 3 films gave me various perspectives on sex: 1) if you're an adult, you should get into it responsibly, hence never view sex as something for pleasure; and 2) if you're 16, you shouldn't ever go into it. But no matter how old you are when (and if) you do, there's something that you couldn't escape—the possibility of getting pregnant (if you're a girl), or getting a girl pregnant (if you're a boy).
With all the hoopla about the RH Bill, I believe that this eventuality when 2 people have sex should be the main consideration. Intentionally avoiding pregnancy is the issue. And so is having sex just because it's fun. And the ultimate issue of all: having sex if a couple isn't married. Gone are the days when sin is called as it is. Nowadays, having sex outside of marriage is called “having an experience”. And human rights included being pro-choice instead of being pro-life. And getting an abortion is just like walking into a convenience store and saying, “Hello. I'd like to get decent abortion, please.” (Is there even such a thing as a decent abortion?)
We are in the world, that much is true. This is where we live, and breathe, and do business in. But must we be of the world? St. Paul warned us against our minds being conformed to the world. But tonight, a 16-year-old girl reminded me of that warning. Thank you, Juno, for showing me the realities and taking my mind away from fantasies. You just stopped me from screwing myself.
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